Professional Security

There are unfortunately individuals who regard themselves as Close Protection specialists who neither possess the required training nor disposition to carry out their duties effectively.

Now it is not the remit for us to discuss various training methods or selection within the commercial sector, merely to make the prospective client aware that he or she should carry out a stringent vetting and selection process prior to any offer of employment, thereby ensuring the most suitable candidate possible. Consider that it may well be this individual who is responsible for the safety of your child!

ProForce 1 agents are dedicated to the field of Close Protection and have operated at government level for over a decade. They have been responsible for the protection of not only the Royal Family but that of foreign dignitaries, government officials, diplomats and those persons by the nature of their own profession, which delivers them into the public eye.

All operatives have been vetted by the most stringent means and all are personally hand picked at director level by ProForce 1. All operatives possess military or law enforcement experience with the vast majority of our operatives sourced from specialist units. All our personnel are well groomed and maintain an excellent standard of dress and deportment.

They are highly disciplined and are able to integrate into any environment. They will offer you the highest level of Close Protection and reassurance you require whilst still being unobtrusive, in order you can conduct yourself in safe and secure surroundings without unexpected interruption.

Should you require an operative possessing a particular specialisation we would be more than happy to discuss your requirements in further detail.